Saturday, 10 November 2018

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Endemic Plants of Klang Gates Quartz Ridge

The Klang Gates quartz ridge system just outside the north-eastern part of the city of Kuala Lumpur and within the state of Selangor in Malaya, is over 14 km long and reaches up to about 380 m high. The narrow wall-like formation of this quartz reef is due to crystallisation of the quartz solution that infilled a large fault in the Main Range granite, with the present feature revealed when the surrounding  weathered material eroded away. This ridge is the most prominent of a series of such ridges in this part of Malaya. 

Current collecting indicates that inventory of the plant life on this ridge remains incomplete since the earlier listings by Ridley (1922) (21 species) and Henderson (1928) (265 species), and a later enumeration by Kiew (1982) (175 species). Many records do not distinguish between an occurrence on the quartz ridge proper and one on the abutting (nonquartz) slopes. Five plant species are known only from the quartz ridge (Reid 1951, 1959; Kiew 1982): Aleisanthia rupestris (Ridl.) Ridl. (Rubiaceae) , Borreria pilulifera Ridl. (Rubiaceae), Eulalia milsumii Ridl. (Poaceae) , Henckelia primulina (Ridl.) A. Weber (Gesneriaceae), and Ilex praetermissa Kiew (Aquifoliaceae).

Ecological aspects of endemic plant populations on Klang Gates quartz ridge,  a habitat island in Peninsular Malaysia, 2008,  K. M. Wong · M. Sugumaran · D. K. P. Lee · M. S. Zahid.,  Biodivers Conserv DOI 10.1007/s10531-008-9522-1

Saturday, 22 September 2018

Jungle Produce @ Seremban

Kerdas atau genuak iaitu nama saintifiknya ialah Archidendron bubalinum merupakan sejenis buah dari pokok Kerdas yang sering dijadikan sebagai ulam serta dimakan bersama nasi. Ianya mengeluarkan bau yang agak kuat sama seperti ulam petai atau jering. Pokok Kerdas merupakan sejenis pokok berkayu, saka dan malar hijau.

Kulit kerdas agak keras dan liat serta mempunyai saiz memanjang dan isi di dalamnya berulas-ulas. Ulas isinya agak kecil di antara (10mm-15mm) dan ianya berkulit nipis sama seperti kulit isi jering. Warna isinya bergantung kepada ketuaan buah ini jika sudah tua atau disimpan lama warnanya akan menjadi kehitaman dan jika isinya masih muda atau baru dipetik ianya bewarna kuning pucat (keputih-putihan). Daun pokok kerdas ini bertekstur nipis dan lembut daun mudanya pula bewarna ungu.

Kerdas dijadikan sebagai ulam bagi menambah selera makan. Baunya agak kuat hingga melekat pada bau nafas selepas memakan ulam ini. Kerdas ini boleh bertahan lama jika disimpan bersama kulitnya. 

sumber : Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu

Buah perah ( Elateriospermum taposmerupakan sejenis buah yang berasal dari pokok perah yang tumbuh di dalam hutan hujan khatulistiwa di Malaysia ini. Buah ini akan gugur sendiri ke bumi apabila ianya sudah cukup tua atau matang.

Buah perah ini berbentuk lonjong dan berwarna hitam. Saiz buahnya agak kecil kira-kira (30mm hingga 40mm). Kulitnya keras, nipis dan licin manakala isinya pejal dan keras berwarna putih. Buah ini pada asalnya di dalam satu kepompong dan mengandungi 3 biji.

Buah perah yang sudah cukup tua atau matang akan gugur ke bumi, ianya akan meletup dan berderai di udara sebelum jatuh ke bumi. Faktor angin memainkan peranan yang cukup penting dalam proses pengguguran buah ini. Selain itu faktor haiwan seperti kera atau monyet juga boleh membantu proses pengguguran buah ini.

Kulitnya sangat keras dan untuk mendapatkan isinya ia perlu diketuk bagi memecahkan kulit tersebut. Isinya jika dimakan secara mentah (tanpa diproses atau dimasak) serta secara berlebihan boleh menyebabkan mabuk atau pening kepala. Isinya bewarna putih dan keras sama seperti buah badam dan ianya boleh dimakan tetapi perlu dimasak atau diproses dengan betul. 

Buah ini boleh juga di buat asam rong makanan tradisional masyarakat di negeri Pahang. Bagi sesetengah penduduk mereka membuat jeruk dengan menggunakan buah perah ini. Selain itu buah ini boleh juga dimasak atau digoreng untuk hidangan sebelah petang.

Bagi masyarakat dahulu mereka suka menjerukkan buah ini dan disimpan hingga berbulan-bulan lamanya tanpa perlu disimpan di dalam peti sejuk. Penyimpanan di dalam tempayan atau balang besar yang diisi dengan air dan sukatan garam yang betul boleh membuatkan buah ini tahan lebih lama. Buah perah juga boleh di jeruk dengan mencampurnya dengan isi petai yang membuatkan aromanya lebih sedap.

sumber : Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu

Fresh Produce @ Seremban







Jantung pisang

Sunday, 8 July 2018

Cassytha filiformis

Cassytha filiformis  is a leafless, climbing, twining, vine-like, autoparasitic and plant-hyperparasitic phanerogam (seed-bearing plant) in the plant family  Lauraceae.

The genus name derives from “kesatha”, Aramaic for ‘a tangled wisp of hair.’   The specific name “filiformis” is a Latin word for ‘treadlike’

Cassytha species are parasitic vines with small haustoria (infectious, adhesive structures used to withdraw nutrients from host organs through host cell membranes). Its stems are filiform, containing chlorophyll. The leaves are reduced to minute scales.

The flowers are sessile or pedicellate, in heads or spicate or racemose inflorescences; the floral tubes are shallow, enveloping the fruit; there are six persistent tepals, the outer three smaller than the inner three, nine fertile stamens, those of the third whorl with two basal glands, the fourth whorl reduced to staminodia; the anthers are dithecal.

The fruit is enclosed in the floral tube with a persistent perianth.

Seeds may be spread by animals, water, strong winds, farm machinery or with crop seed. The plant may spread locally by vegetative growth between hosts and over soils.

Seedlings of C. filiformis can survive for up to two months without a host and growing to a length of 30 cm or more.

The haustoria of C. filiformis penetrate the host epidermis and extend into more interior tissues, extracting cellular nutrients and water from plant phloem and xylem.

Even though the haustorium is an intracellular structure, it is not in direct contact with the host cell cytoplasm. In the case of phloem tissues, the cells of the plant host and the pathogen are separated by their respective cell membranes. Nutrients and fluid pass through these membranes. After the haustorium directly penetrates the cell wall, the haustorium does not penetrate or break through the plasmalemma membrane, but rather invaginates it.

The objective of C. filiformis is to obtain nutrients and water from the host plant without quickly killing host cells and without interfering in more than a subtle way with their activities; the pathogen does not create immediate, fatal damage to host cells and their metabolic processes. Rather, the host plants can die a long, protracted death by starvation and dessication, while C. filiformis, through intimate membrane-to-membrane contact with its host and with itself, extracts what is required for it to grow, flower and produce seeds for its future generations.

• Remove infestations manually as early as possible to prevent further colonization and seed production (for example, inspect host plants for C. filiformis and prune
the affected branches promptly).
• Herbicides may be available to kill the host plant or inhibit C. filiformis.
• Fire is used in some locations worldwide
• Shading can reduce the parasite’s vigor (C. filiformis is intolerant of shade).
• Graze sheep
• Slash clumps by hand with machete.
• Avoid planting C. filiformis-contaminated seed
• Control or destroy unwanted hosts of C. filiformis that are adjacent to plants or crops of cultural or economic importance in order to eliminate bridges between hosts.
• Minimize coastal habitat modifications such as bulldozing, forestry operations and firewood gathering.
• Reforest lowland coastal habitats (< 300 ft elevation) to increase shade.
• Do not collect soil for nurseries or gardens from the vicinity of C. filiformis-infected plants.

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Agricultural Supply Store @ Seri Serdang

D Syira Enterprise 

456, Jalan 18/2A
Taman Seri Serdang
43300 Seri Kembangan

tel : 03-89938 1021 / 03-8959 5009
email :

Fungicides . . .


Herbicides . . .


Insecticides . . .

Bio-Insecticides . . .

 Others . . . 
hydroponic solutions ...   
growth regulator ...
rooting hormon ...


Growing Media . . . 

Irrigation Sprinklers . . .