Monday, 5 December 2022

Thursday, 24 November 2022

Canarium amboinense - Kenari

Canarium amboinense
Hochr. (1904)
Canarium indicum L (1759)
Canarium mehenbethene Gaertner (1791)
Canarium zephyrinum Duchesne (1836)
Canarium moluccanum Blume (1850)
Canarium commune L
Canarium indicum var. indicum
Canarium indicum var. platycerioideum Leenh
Vernacular names
Indonesia : kenari ambon (Sudanese), kenari ternate (northernSulawesi, kanari bagea (Moluccas), jal (Ambon)
Panua New Guinea : red canarium. Galip(Pidgin), lawele (New Britain), hinuei (New Ireland)
Indonesia (Sulawesi, Moluccas, Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and surrounding islands. It is often cultivated, especially in Melanesia and sometimes elsewhere.
In Melanesia the seeds are highly esteemed as a food. Oil from the seeds is used as a substitute for coconut oil.
The wood is used  especially for light construction, mouldings, interior finish, and as a firewood.

Thursday, 3 November 2022

Rare Fruit @ Negeri Sembilan : Beluluk

Buah kabong
is the fruit of Arenga pinnata.   It is a delicacy in Negeri Sembilan, especially in the Kuala Pilah district where its named buah beluluk.  In Perak it is known as buah kanto, in Indonesia its called buah kolang-kaling.
The texture of buah beluluk is almost similar to buah atap ( Nypa fruticans ), or nata de coco.  Usually consumed raw as condiments in cendul, air batu campur, or air sirap.   In Kuala Pilah, beluluk and nira enau is mixed with coconut water to create a specialty drink called air jando pulang.

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Rare Fruit @ Negeri Sembilan : Kadam


Hodgsonia macrocarpa ( kadam, lardfruit ) is a fast-growing, evergreen climbing plant with tendrils.  The plant produces large, edible seeds that are very rich in oil, thus the name lard seed. 

The fruit is fibrous, about the size of a coconut.  Each fruit contains up to 8 large flat seeds.  


Native to tropical South East Asia, ranging from Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia to Indochina.

It is usually grown wild by the riverbanks of primary, disturbed forest, and forest fringes.



The seeds are often roasted or baked, has a pleasant taste.  Seeds are often crushed and cooked with vegetables.  

In district of Gemencheh and Johol of Negeri Sembilan, the seeds are grated and kneaded with rice flour and limestone paste ( kapur sirih ), wrapped in palm leaves ( daun palas ), and cooked in boiling water.



Friday, 20 May 2022

Photo Credit @ Ongzi in Blumea : Decalobanthus elmeri

A synoptic revision of the golden glories, genus Decalobanthus (Convolvulaceae)

Eighteen species of Decalobanthus are recognized in this concise revision of the genus. Two new combinations are made and one new name is proposed to accommodate a change in rank. The genus is centered in Southeast Asia and Malesia, with outlier species in the tropical Pacific and one species that reaches the Neotropics; a single wide-ranging species extends from eastern Tropical Africa and Madagascar in the west to the Hawaiian Islands in the east. Each species is provided with a diagnosis, summary of the species’ ecology, compiled vernacular names, and uses. Distributions are mapped based on herbarium voucher specimens. Where appropriate, typifications and nomenclatural problems are explained and comments on morphological variation and the need for further study are highlighted. Selected species are illustrated with colour photos of living plants. An index of numbered collections examined is provided to aid in specimen identification and herbarium curation.

11.  Decalobanthus elmeri (Merr.) A.R.Simões & Staples

Fig. 8   Decalobanthus elmeri (Merr.) A.R.Simões & Staples. a. Leaves showing peltate attachment of petioles; b. inflorescence with many buds in a more or less flat-topped, corymbiform arrangement; c. flower showing wide-spreading corolla limb and stamen filaments (all Ong Jyh Seng, no voucher).

Citation: Staples G. 2022. A synoptic revision of the golden glories, genus Decalobanthus (Convolvulaceae). Blumea 67 (1): 37–70.

Saturday, 26 February 2022

中国地理标志产品 : 福建省 之 花卉


所谓原产地域产品,是指“利用产自特定地域的原材料,按照传统工艺在特定地域内所生产的,质量、特色或者声誉在本质上取决于其原产地域地理特征并依照本规定经审核批准以原产地域进行命名的产品” 。

● 来自本地区的种植、养殖产品。
● 原材料全部来自本地区或部分来自其他地区,并在本地区按照特定工艺生产和加工的产品。


平潭水仙花 Narcissus tazetta subsp. chinensis,福建省平潭县特产,2010年获批为中国国家地理标志产品。




浦城桂花Osmanthus fragrans,福建省南平市浦城县的特产,2010年获批为中国国家地理标志产品。


