Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Basic about Flower - Morphology

Peduncle = terminal offshoot of the stem or twig ; it first connects the flower, then the fruit, to the plant


Receptacle = enlarged portion of the peduncle containing and supporting the other parts of the flower.


Sepal = usually green part of the flower that protects the flower’s internal structures ; it may fall after flowering occurs or remain until the fruit has ripened.

Calyx = part of the flower composed of all its sepals.


Petal = usually colourful and scented part of the flower that surrounds the male and female reproductive organs ; it often helps attract pollinators.

Corolla = part of the flower composed of all its petals


Pistil = each of the female floral organs at the flower’s center, consisting of an ovary, a stylus and a stigma.

Stigma = upper part of the female floral organ ( pistil ) that receives and holds pollen.

Style = cylindrical axis connecting the stigma to the ovary.

Ovary = hollow structure containing one or more ovules ; the fruit usually develops from it after fertilization.

Ovule = small rounded structure produced by the ovary and containing the female cell ; after fertilization, the seed develops from it.


Stamen = each of the male floral organs, consisting of a filament and an anther.

Anther = upper part of the male floral organ ( stamen ) that produces pollen grains ; at maturity, it splits to release them.

Filament = cylindrical axis connecting the anther to the rest of the flower

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