Friday, 2 July 2010

Nature Fiber - Sisal 苎麻

Sisal fiber is obtained from Agave sisalana, a native of Mexico. The hardy plant grows well in a variety of hot climates. Including dry areas unsuitable for other crops. After harvest, its leaves are cut and crushed in order to separate the pulp from the fibers.
Sisal is used in twine and ropes, but competition from polypropylene has weakened demand.
But other markets are emerging. Today, sisal can be found in speciality paper, filters, geotextiles, mattresses, carpets, and wall coverings.
It is used as reinforcement in plastic composite materials, particularly in automotive components, but also in furniture. Another promising use is as a substitute for asbestos in brake pads. It is also the best material for making dartboards.
By-products from sisal extraction can be used for making bio-gas, pharmaceutical ingredients and building material.
Sisal is cultivated for fiber in Brazil, China, Cuba, Kenya, Haiti, Madagascar, and Mexico. Production patterns differ between countries. In Tanzania and Kenya, sisal is predominantly a plantation crop, while production in Brazil is largely small-scale.

World production of sisal and a similar agave fiber, henequen ( from Agave fourcroydes ) is estimated around 300,000 tonnes. The major producers are Brazil, Tanzania and Kenya.


  1. Sir/Madam

    I would like to bring your attention to a new Technology for extraction of Sisal,Banana,Pineapple and abaca fibers by Microbial action. It is a new Technology invented by an Indian Scientist recently. I have done the Training for this new Technology. For more details please call Mob.No.00919048877450 Email


    M.Sadiq Ali

  2. I would like to inform that, I am a professional for extraction of Natural fibers by Microbial action.It is a new Technology in India. I have done the Training for this new Technology. I am looking forward to introduce this new Technology among the people of your Great Country. for this purpose please send me the Address of The natural fibers extractors in you Country. So that I can interact with them regarding this Technology. For more details please call Mob.No.00919048877450 Email id


    M.Sadiq Ali
