Saturday, 14 February 2015

Sarikei : Local Produce

Engkabang besar
Shorea macrophylla

Engkabang kechil

Plukenetia corniculata

buah empit
Pentaspodon motleyi

berangan tikus
Castanopsis borneensis

sagan berauh
Scorodocarpus borneensis

Passiflora foetida


  1. I stumbled across this post while searching for engkabang bintang. The star-shaped fruit in your photo is really interesting - they don't look like typical dipterocarp fruit, which is round. Very unusual - are they really engkabang?

  2. i saw it being sold in a local Tamu. the vendor told me the name as "engkabang bintang", which i first heard.
    i've tried search up and down in Google, but no further info on the item.
    Local ppl should know more about the specimen.

  3. I was searching for engkabang bintang - that's how I came across your post. The latin name is Shorea splendida, and you're right - can't find much info on this. Thank you for sharing :-)

  4. i saw this in internet

    it has the photo and description of S.splendida.
    the fruit seems like a typical Shorea.

    the engkabang bintang in my post doesnt really botanically fit the morphology of a Shorea fruit.

  5. its a Plukenetia corniculata

  6. Wonderful!!!
    Thank you very much for sharing!
