Ongzi, a zeal HORTICULTURIST,yet resides in a plant-free apartment…… thinks that plants deserved to be treated as LIVING THING, not merely as plants …… strongly condemns any form of CRUELTY TO PLANTS, yet enjoys feast on them…… collects only e-HERBARIUM, and proudly encourages others to do the same……
Monday, 21 December 2009
Jasminum sambac - Melur 茉莉花
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Florals @ Cameron Highlands 2
Florals @ Cameron Highlands
Diospyros lotus – date plum – Native to southwest Asia and southeast
Sweet corn, ( Zea mays ) also know as maize , or corn, originated from American continent. RM10 for 8 ears, the corn are sweet. even eaten raw. It is also best consumed after steamed, boiled or grilled.
The fruit of sweet corn is the corn kernel, a type of caryopsis. The ear is a collection of kernels on the cob.
Chayote was first domesticated in Mexico, where the fruit is used in both raw and cooked forms. When cooked, it is similiar to summer squash. Raw chayote can be added to salads or salsas, and it is often marinated with lemon or lime juice.
Daylily is the common name of Hemerocallis, a member of Hemorocallidaceae famliy, originated from Europe and east Asia.
Hemerocallis are perennial. The flower of most species open at sunrise and wither at sunset, yet some are night-blooming.
Hoya is a genus of 200 - 300 species of tropical climbing palnts in the family Apocynaceae, native to southern Asia, Australia and Polynesia. This genus was named by botanist Robert Brown, in honour of his friend, Thomos Hoy.
Hoyas grow well indoor, preferring brigt but not direct sunlight, but will tolerate fairly low light levels at the expense of rapid growth and blooming.
Anthurium, is a large genus of about 600 - 800 species, belonging to the arum family ( Araceae ). The species has neotropical distribution : mostly in wet tropical mountain forest of Central America and South America, but not found in Asia.
Sunflower ( Helianthus annuus ) are annual plants native to the Americas, from the family Asteraceae ( formerlly Compositae ). What is usually called the flower is actually a head of numerous florets drowded together. The outer florets are the sterile ray florets, while the inner florets, called disc florets will mature into what are traditionally called sunflower seeds,but are actually the fruit ( an achene ) of the plant.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Canarium odontophyllum - Dabai
Dabai fruits are white colour when immature, turning purple-black when ripe. The fruit stand out as being very nutritious for their high energy ( 149-339 kcal/100g edible portion ), protein ( 2.6 - 3.8% ) and potassium ( 362 – 810 mg/100g edible portion ). The edible portion is the unctuous mesocarp about 6 -8 mm thick that surrounds the hard 3 angular seed.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Types of Fruits ( Botanical )
- eg. Cempedak, Fig, Jakefruit ( Nangka ), Mulberries, Pineapple, ¿ Soursop, ¿ Nona, Noni
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Plant Propagation - Asexual
1. Cuttings / Striking ( Keratan )
1a. stem cuttings
1b. leaf cuttings
1c. root cuttings
2. Layering ( Tut )
2a. air layering / marcotting
2b. ground layering
3. Grafting ( Cantuman )
3a. approach ( cantuman sandingan )
3b. budding ( cantuman mata tunas )
3C. cleft ( cantuman belahan baji )
4. Storage organs
4a. Bulbs ( underground vertical shoots that has modified leaes )
- Onion, Garlic, Lily, memebers of the Alliaceae & Liliaceae family, etc
4b. Corms ( short, vertical, swollen underground stem )
- Arrowhead, Asparagus and other members of the Asparagales family, Banana and allies, Crocus, Water chestnut, Yam, members of the Araceae family, etc
4c. Tubers ( thickend part of a rhizome or stolon )
- Cassava, Potato
4d. Rhizomes ( creeping, horizontal, underground main stem )
- Ginger
4e. Stolons / Rnners ( surface/under-ground-surface stem, sprouts from an existing stem, has long internodes, generates new shoots at the end 0f the tip
- Cyperus, Grasses, Strawberry
5. Divison ( Belahan )
6. Micropropagation / Tissue Culture
Thursday, 2 July 2009
松 (family : Pinaceae - genus : Pinus )
竹 ( family : Poaceae – subfamily : Bambusoideae )
梅 ( family : Rosaceae – Prunus mume )
竹入画,大略和兰花相当,也始于唐代。唐代的皇帝唐玄宗、画家王维、吴道子等都喜画竹。据说到了五代,李夫人还创墨竹法,传说她常夜坐床头、见竹影婆娑映于窗纸上、乃循窗纸摹写而创此法。到宋代,苏轼发展了画竹的方法,放弃了以前的画家们的双勾着色法,而把枝干、叶均用水墨来画,深墨为叶面,淡墨为叶背。以后的元明清时代,画竹名家辈出,只要是山水或花鸟画家,没有不画竹的,而且开始强调竹的整体气势。不过,在众多的画家中,郑板桥的画竹也堪称为一绝。 郑板桥的作品,存世较多,流传也广,自清代以来,被世人行家所叹眼,成为“人争宝之”的珍品。
禾 (稻米 Rice ) Oryza sativa
黍(黄米 Common millet )Panicum miliaceum
稷(小米 Foxtail millet) Setalia italica
麦(小麦 Wheat ) Triticum aestivum
麦(大麦 Barley ) Hordeum vulgare
菽(大豆 Soybean ) Glycine max
麻(大麻 Cannabis ) Cannabis sativa