Sago is a starch extracted from the pith of sago palm stem, Metroxylon sagu. It is a once a major staple food for the Melanaus of Sarawak.
Sago flour contains almost pure carbohydrate. It has very little protein, vitamins, or minerals. 100G of dry sago contains 355 calories, some 94g of carbohydrate, 0.2g of protein, 0.5g of dietary fiber, 10mg of calcium, 1.2 mg of iron, and negligible amounts of fat, carotene, thiamine, and ascorbic acid.
The Melanaus uses the sago flour to make tebaloi cracker. The pearl-sago are consume directly together with peanuts, grilled prawns , or umai.
Process of making sago-pearl
1. first, the sago palm is felled
2. the pith is crushed and kneaded to release the starch
3. the crushed pith is wash and strained to extracted the starch
4. the raw starch suspension is allowed to settle
5. then, the starch is flipped repeated to form a pearl-like sphere of about 0.5cm
( how does flipped starch become pearl-balls ? Its just like rolling a snowball. When the starch is flipped, it accumulate and gather mass. )
( how does flipped starch become pearl-balls ? Its just like rolling a snowball. When the starch is flipped, it accumulate and gather mass. )
6. a sieve is used to separate the pearl form the flour, flipping is continued to produce more pearls
7. finally, the pearl sago is heated over fire to dry it up.
7. finally, the pearl sago is heated over fire to dry it up.