a make-shift stall by farmer Afendi and his older brother.
Afendi can be reach via hp 018-351-1458
According to Afendi, they produce lots of bunga kantan.
Bunga kantan is an essential ingredient for
asam laksa, kerabu, manok pansoh, arsik ikan, etc.
banana leaves are essential in South Indian cuisine - the meal is served on banana leaf!
Apparently, Malay also used banana to wrap foodstuff :
nasi lemak, tempe ;
vessel for kueh koci, kueh abuk, pulut panggang, pisang bakar,
pad for cooking lemang, kueh angku etc.
Banana's flower are consumed mainly as vegetable.
It can be just simply boiled, steamed ;
consumed as kerabu salad, masak gulai, goreng pedas, etc
pisang berangan is usually consumed fresh.
however, like all banana, berangan can be goreng ( sauté, fried or deepfried ),
and made into kerepek.
Pisang abu is widely used in pisang goreng.
According to Afendi, pisang kapas is the best banana
for cooking gulai, cucur, or pengat pisang.
ubi kayu must be properly cooked before consume.
Raw cassava contains cyanogenic glucosides, linamarin and lotaustralin,
which upon degraded by enzyme linamarase, liberating hydrogen cyanide.
Ubi kayu can be consumed after steamed, boiled or baked.
It is usually make into kueh bingka, kuih puli, tapai ubi,
dessert ubi kayu bersantan, kerepek, etc.
Keladi can masak lemak pedas, or asam pedas.

Lemongrass is used in cooking tomyam, satay, rendang, asam laksa, etc ;
minuman teh serai madu.
Ulam raja - a major ingredient in nasi ulam utara.
Best consumed fresh as salad.
Pucuk paku are usually just masak lemak pedas, goreng sambal, etc.
Daun salam, also known as Indonesian bayleaf.
It is used as rempah.
Daun pandan is widely used for its fragrant,
especially in making kueh : kueh talam, bingka pandan, seri kaya.
It is also used in cooking ayam goreng pandan.
Daun ubi is cooked as vegetable :
pucuk ubi tumbuk, masak lemak with or without chili.
pucuk ubi tumbuk, masak lemak with or without chili.
Kangkung, best for goreng sambal !
The mini round green brinjal is usually cooked as
Terung pipit berlada, sambal terung pipit, or the universal masak lemak.
Cili padi is a HOT chili, can be used in all dishes.
Use extreme caution !
Betik muda is unriped mature papaya.
It is used in betik muda masak bening, tumis santan, kerabu, lemak cili,
som tum ( Thai papaya salad ) etc
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