Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Selukai - Goniothalamus sp

Kayu selukai is the dried bark of Goniothalamus trees.  The Genera Goniothalamus of Annonaceae family consists of 160 species distributed throughout tropical S.E.Asia.  In Borneo alone, there are some 30 species of Goniothalamus, 14  of which were recorded in Sarawak.

Species of Goniothalamus are generally called selukai or kayu hujan panas.  They are all small trees of the under-storey.  The bark is aromatic, strong and stringy.  The dry bark is sold as kulit selukai, and burnt to keep mosquitoes and evil spirits away.  

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Kelili - Lepisanthes alata

Synonyms : Otophora alata
Common names : Krumbi, Kelili, Engkilili ( Sarawak ) ; Kelelek, Gegelek ( Johor ) ; Ceri Terengganu, Perupok.
Family : Sapindaceae

Origin : Borneo, Java, the Philippines
Habitat : riverside, lowland forest, clayish soils

Botanical Description :
Annual, small tree.
Foliage : compound, 8-12 pairs leaflets ; leaflet 20-45cm long, ovate-lanceolate.  Glabrous at base, entire margin, pointed tips ; young leaves pinkish-purple, green when mature.
Flowers : monoecious, cluster, scentless; 5 purple-red petals.
Fruits : trigonous-obovoid, pointed tip, 2.5-4cm diameter, mature fruits red to dark red colour, translucent fleshy pulp, seed 1-5.

Buah Letup - Physalis angulata

Common names :
Wild gooseberry, ground cherry, bladder cherry, Chinese lantern, cut leaf ground cherry, cutleaf ground cherry, Indian gooseberry, etc

Origin : Tropical America
Distribution : Pan tropical
Habitat : Borders of woods, wasteland, sideways, croplands, fallow land etc. Grows well in moist, nitrate-rich soils  ; prefer full sunlight, but tolerate partial shade.

Botanical Description :
Annual, herbaceous.
Stem – angled, hollow
Leaves – ovate to ovate-oblong ; obtuse, acute or rounded at base ; irregular toothed, 3-15cm long, 2-10cm wide.
Flowers – stalk 5-40cm length, corolla yellowish-green; anthers bluish or violet.
Fruit – orange round berry, 1-1.8cm long ; enclosed in a balloon-like green ( pale brown when dry ) calyx of 5 lobes with small apical opening.
Seeds – disc-shaped to broadly reniform, 1-2mm long, pale yellow

Uses :
Edible fruit – raw or cooked
Young leaves – cooked as a potherb

A Walk Through the Tamu Sarikei 2018

Fruits / Leaves / Roots

