Alstonia angustiloba Miq. ( synonym : Alstonia angustiloba var.glabra
Koord. & Valeton., Alstonia calophylla Miq., Alstonia iwahigensis Elmer, Paladelpha angustiloba ( Miq.) Pichon ) is a species of evergreen tree in the Apocynacee family
originated from S.E.Asia. It is commonly called common pulai,
pulai bukit, pulai lilin, pulantan bubur, pantung, tombailik, gite, hanju latung, etc.
The name ‘Alstonia’ was
named by Robert Brown in
1811, after Charles Alston (1685-1760),
a Professor of botany at Edinburgh from 1716-1760. ‘angustiloba’ means small lobes.

Flower hermaphroditic. Inflorescence terminal, flower white,
tubular. Usually 2 umbels above
each other.
Fruits long thin follicles,
seeds with tufts of hair at both ends, dispersed by wind.
trees are often deciduous at irregular intervals.
do not flower at every leaf-change, but only after marked periods of dry
weather. Pollination is by
is by seeds. Germination of fresh seed is nearly 100%. Cleft
grafting and inverted T-grafting also have been found to be successful.
: The latex provides a good quality chewing gum.
: The wood yield a good quality pulp for paper production. It is used for pencil,
matches, crates, patternmaking, corestock, plywood, carving and
mouldings. In Ceylon ,
coffins are made of this light wood.
: It is also used in landscape as ornamental tree.
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